Multi-User Analytical Lab

Analysis Fees

Below are the university-approved fees for various instruments and labor that go into calculating the analysis fee. Please note that the overall analysis cost depends on any method optimization and validations that are required, instrument setup time, labor involved in sample extraction/cleanup/concentrations, data analysis and interpretation, cost of standards, specific supplies and reagents needed etc., which are specific to each analysis, and cannot be extrapolated solely from the pricing structure below. 
Hence, please do not use the pricing below for budgeting purposes.   Contact MUAL with the details of the analysis sought for feasibility and accurate price estimate.

To maintain compliance with GLP protocols, all instrument analyses are executed solely by trained facility staff. 

Due to the high commitment of time, intellect and resources, specialized analyses, including plant metabolomics, and biotransformation analysis, require prior consultation with the lab to confirm the project feasibility in terms of time and resource availability, and are executed only as collaborative projects.

*Additional charges may apply for the purchase of unique columns or the replacement of fouled columns due to inadequate sample cleanup.
Academic labs not affiliated with Clemson University are charged a controller stipulated overhead rate in addition to the above analysis fee.