Listed below are the current major instrumentation at MUAL.
Mass Spectrometers
Thermo Orbitrap Fusion™ Tribrid™ Mass Spectrometer

- Combines quadrupole, ion trap, and Orbitrap™ mass analysis in a revolutionary Tribrid architecture
- Ultrahigh resolution up to 500,000 FWHM
- Sub-1-ppm mass accuracy
- Multiple dissociation techniques—CID, HCD, ETD
- ID-X capability for small molecule analysis
- Coupled to ESI and nano-ESI interfaces
- UltiMate 3000 RS UHPLC & UltiMate 3000 RSLCnano
- Primary applications: Global metabolomics, Proteomics, Characterization of unknowns
Thermo Orbitrap Exploris™ 120 Mass Spectrometer

- Quadrupole-orbitrap mass analyzer architecture allows for high resolution accurate mass MSn analysis
- High resolution up to 120,000 FWHM (at m/z 200)
- Sub-1 ppm mass accuracy, mass range m/z 40–3000
- Equipped with PFAs-free tubing for PFAs analysis
- Coupled to ESI interface
- Vanquish binary pump UHPLC system
- Primary applications: Characterization of unknowns, Semi-targeted small molecule analysis
Shimadzu LCMS-8040

- Triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
- Fast scan speeds with ultrafast polarity switching
- 15,000 u/second with a 0.1 Dalton step width without loss of mass accuracy
- Redesigned pseudo-quadrupole collision cell, allows for 1 msec pause times to eliminate crosstalk
- Coupled to ESI interface
- Primary applications: Targeted metabolomics, Quantitative analysis
Waters Xevo TQ Absolute

- Triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
- Equipped with StepWave XS™ ion guide to enhance sensitivity and Xtended Dynamic Range (XDR) detector offers high sensitivity for negative ions.
- Ultrafast scan speeds (20,000 Da/second) with rapid polarity switching, mass range m/z 2- 2048.
- Coupled to ZSpray dual-orthogonal API sources ESI interface equipped with source shield to minimize contamination.
- MRM tuning with ESI infusion for unmatched sensitivity.
- Primary applications: Trace analysis, Targeted metabolomics, Quantitative analysis
Agilent 7250 GC/QTOF

- Quadrupole Time-of-flight mass spectrometer
- Delivers full-spectrum, high-resolution, accurate-mass data
- Low-energy EI for softer ionization and molecular ion enhancement
- Elucidates chemical structures with MS/MS capabilities
- TOF mass accuracy- < 2ppm RMS
- TOF Resolution > 25,000 at m/z 271.896
- Data acquisition rates of up to 50 spectra per second
- Electron Ionization, settable 5-200 eV
- Primary applications: Metabolomics, Characterization & Quantitation of GC-amenable compounds
Agilent 5975C Series GC/MSD System

- Single quadrupole mass spectrometer
- Standard Electron Ionization
- Triple-Axis Detector for superior sensitivity and spectral integrity
- Coupled to a Pyroprobe 5150 Pyrolyzer
- Capable of sampling solid samples
- Ambient to 1400°C and programmable in 1°C increments
- Cryofocusing to produces sharper peaks
- Primary applications: Metabolomics, Quantitation of GC-amenable small molecules
Liquid Chromatographs
Ultra-High Pressure Liquid Chromatographs

- Thermo UltiMate 3000 UPLC; Thermo UltiMate™ 3000 RSLCnano; Waters ACQUITY UPLC I-Class PLUS; Thermo Vanquish™
- Coupled to mass spectrometers and diode-array and florescence detectors.

- Shimadzu UFLC; Waters Acquity™ e λ PDA Detector
- Photodiode-array and florescence detectors; capable of HPLC-UV/FL or HPLC-UV/FL-MS/MS analysis.
Gas Chromatographs

- Shimadzu 2010 plus, Agilent 7890B, 7890A
- Coupled to unit and high resolution mass spectrometers or a flame ionization detector
Imaging Sources
Waters DESI XS

- Desorption Electrospray Ionization (DESI) is a non-destructive sampling technique for analyzing the spatial distribution of small molecules at or near the surface of a sample.
- Molecules are ionized with high performance solvent spray through a heated transfer line for efficient ionization.
- Coupled to a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, imaging data is collected from MS1, MRM, precursor ion, product ion, and SIM scans.