Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Follow Up Friday

Follow Up Friday: Rounding Out NDEAM, In Case You Missed It, and Upcoming Events

As we end our month focusing on NDEAM and Accessibility, it is time to reflect on what we have learned about accessibility. Check out other Follow Up Friday posts and Monday posts for a refresher on topics covered. If you are playing catch up, not to worry! There are still plenty of tools, resources, and events happening for you to grow your expertise in providing accessible education. Self-enroll in Clemson Online’s four-week self-paced course COFFEE: Video & Visual for training on how to make your videos and visuals accessible for all learners. Be sure to check the Upcoming Events below to see NDEAM events on topics regarding employee accessibility in higher education.

In Case You Missed It

Upcoming Events

Clemson Online

NDEAM Events