Follow Up Friday: Library Resources for Teaching & Upcoming Events
Are you using the expertise available to you at Cooper Library? Do you know your content librarian? What is a Course Resource List? Read below for the details straight from your friendly neighborhood librarians:
“It’s a tool designed to incorporate outside resources with an instructor’s Canvas courses. Instructors can build reading lists that include library materials, videos, web resources, and more. Students can find course materials seamlessly through Canvas without the need for third-party apps or extra navigation. Benefits include:
- Ability to identify and link directly to resources; no need to deal with link maintenance
- Materials can be saved and reused in other courses or future semesters
- Materials are added to Canvas so students have easy access
- Avoiding copyright issues by directly linking to electronic resources”
Librarian Rodger Bishop II hosted a Quick Hits workshop all about setting up and using a Course Resource List in Canvas – check out the recording at our Ensemble Portal!
“You can reach out to our subject librarians for in-depth reference questions or for assistance with research. They are also available to provide an orientation or teach specific resources for any class.”
Find your subject librarian at their website.
Clemson librarians “have put together the following guides to get you to the best databases, journals, electronic journals, and books for your specific subject. Use the search box if you are looking for something in specific, or browse through our guides by subject area.”
Find the details at the Course Guide Page.
What’s Coming Up:
- Group Projects & Canvas Series: Groups
Join us for part 2 of our 4-part Quick Hits: Group Projects & Canvas Series. A walk-through demonstration will be provided on how to add students to groups within Canvas. Groups are collaborative and can be used to facilitate long-term assignments. Discover the benefits of using Canvas groups by asking questions following our presentation. Facilitated by Clemson Online’s Learning Technology Specialist, Axel Ruiz.
Register in Tiger Training or simply join us on Thursday, March 10th, from 3:30 pm – 4 pm by copying and pasting this Zoom link in your browser.
- Workshop Wednesday: Course Accessibility
If you’re interested in improving course accessibility, whether teaching online or F2F, this workshop will offer two resources that can help: a short checklist for accessibility standards in Canvas, and COFFEE: Accessibility, an online faculty development course. Participants will learn about elements in the accessibility checklist and get an overview of COFFEE: Accessibility. Facilitated by Digital Learning Strategist Sharyn Emery, PhD, who is also the COFFEE facilitator.
Register in Tiger Training or simply join us on Wednesday, March 16th, from 1:30 pm – 2:15 pm by copying and pasting this Zoom link in your browser.
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- Stay in the know about upcoming training, teaching tips, and tech tips by following our social media accounts!
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