Following in line with the previous Follow Up Friday post about creating a community for engagement, this week we will focus specifically on using videos for your weekly course announcements.
Online Teaching Highlight: Using Video for Weekly Course Announcements
Creating a presence in your online course is one of the key methods for boosting student engagement. This, in turn, enhances not only their experience in your course but more importantly enhances their learning overall.
First, it is imperative that weekly announcements be maintained so that students can trust that you are not only an expert on the topic but that you are an expert who is available, reliable, and approachable.
Consider including videos in your weekly course announcements! These can be recorded on the fly, but we recommend having a bullet-point script so that you are sure to hit on the key announcements that students need to hear.
We also recommend providing that script, or some version of it, as text below the embedded video so that students can go to the text if they are short on time.
With the arrival and eventual rollout of Kaltura, this process will be easier than ever! You will be able to simply record directly into the course announcement and Kaltura’s auto-captioning will do the rest.
ICYMI: In Case You Missed It
Monday Blog
Learning from Failures pt. 2
If you missed the Monday Blog post, check it out to read our guest post by Lori Kinley, PhD. Associate Director of Online Development here at Clemson Online. Lori shares what she has learned from her failures in online teaching. She reminds us that adding an Assignment Purpose and Overview section in the directions of an assignment can go a long way in helping students be better prepared to complete an assignment well if they understand your perspective of what the end goal is (plus it helps to cut down on the number of emails from learners who are confused about the assignment).
Upcoming Live Training
Summer Prep Series! These are the final two live training programs for Spring 2022. Be sure to stop by so you can learn, ask questions, and easily get a copy of the session recordings for when you are ready to prep for your summer courses.
4/21 – Quick Hits: Exporting and Importing Canvas Course Content
Learn how to properly copy content over into new Canvas courses. Join us for our first Quick Hits: Summer Prep Series – Exporting and Importing Canvas Course Content. As your Canvas dashboard populates with upcoming courses, you can ready yourself by learning the steps on how to export and import course content. We will demonstrate the process and answer any questions you may have.
Facilitated by Clemson Online’s Learning Technology Specialist, Axel Ruiz.
Register in Tiger Training to join us on Thursday, April 21st from 3:30-4 pm.
4/27 – Workshop Wednesday: Camtasia and Zoom
Continuing our Summer Prep Series, this Workshop Wednesday focuses on the pedagogy behind effective use of the video tools Camtasia and Zoom. As you look ahead to developing your summer courses, consider stopping by to learn about how effective use of these tools creates a positive impact on your learner’s experience and chances for success in your class. Short demonstrations will be available in the workshop and we will have two experts there to answer questions you may have.
Facilitated by Clemson Online’s Digital Learning Strategist, James Butler and Learning Technology Specialist, Axel Ruiz.
Register in Tiger Training to join us on Wednesday, April 27th from 1:30-2:15pm
Faculty Resources
Canvas Training
Click the COFFEE logo to easily sign-up for either a directed* or a self-directed COFFEE course where you can learn the basics of Canvas or Canvas-related topics such as accessibility checking and video use.
Teaching Online Resources
Click the logo, to self-enroll in this Canvas site where you will have access to Canvas quick start guides for online teaching, online testing resources, and much more!
Check out the Clemson Online Faculty Resources page to peruse a host of additional faculty resources for online teaching and beyond.
Canvas and Teaching Online Support
Schedule a Consultation. Whether you would like guidance on how to use online learning tools or you would like guidance on best online teaching practices, you can meet with one of our expert staff who is ready to assist you when it fits your schedule.
Social Media
Stay in the know about upcoming training, teaching tips, and tech tips by following us!