Using online rubrics in Canvas enhances communication regarding submitted work for both teachers and learners.
Benefits for students
When rubrics are available online, learners can clearly see the expectations for the assignment before starting it. This allows them to focus their efforts more constructively. They can then evaluate their own work to clean it up before submission.
Once the work has been evaluated, the rubric provides a clear structure for feedback, so they can see exactly which areas need improvement in future work. Housing all of this feedback in a predictable, central online location means they will be able to find it when working on later assignments.
When the same rubric is applied to all similar assignments, students appreciate the predictable expectations.
Benefits for instructors
The process of creating a rubric can help instructors make sure their assignment focuses on the tasks and output they desire to see. It can be a helpful tool in clarifying the instructions for an assignment, and enable learners to ask questions about expectations up front.
Using online rubrics streamlines the grading process, helping you to be consistent in the areas you give feedback and how you evaluate each component. Canvas rubrics allow you to make comments specific to one criterion or on the assignment as a whole.
After an initial investment of time to set up the rubric, you can reuse it throughout your courses and tweak it as necessary. Rubrics can be as simple as indicating “met” or “not met” for completion or as detailed as is helpful to you and your learners. You can set them up to assign specific point values or provide a range, and they communicate directly with the Canvas gradebook.
Learn more about using rubrics in Canvas in this recorded Quick Hit session with Axel Ruiz.
Quality Matters Coordinator Position Open
Did you know Clemson Online is hiring? We are looking for a Quality Matters Coordinator (QMC) to support the growing number of QM course reviews happening at Clemson! The QMC is responsible for entering and tracking course reviews, coordinating the course review process, and collaborating with the team to improve and expand the QM program at Clemson. We are seeking organized, flexible applicants who are interested in online teaching and learning. Please share widely, and tell any interested persons to apply by March 16 at the link below:
Job Posting (external candidates; log in at HR for internal candidates)
New Canvas Feature
Beginning March 15, instructors will be able to submit assignments into Canvas on behalf of students in their course. If students have trouble with the submission tool or need to submit after the assignment is closed, this allows the instructor to upload it to Canvas and grade it through Speedgrader or in tandem with a rubric connected to the assignment. It may be particularly useful for those assignments that consist of a performance, speech, or presentation that the instructor records. Only those with the “Teacher” role in Canvas will be able to use this feature, and submissions will indicate who uploaded them and when.
Upcoming Events
Quality Matters for Summer Accelerate
Clemson Online is proud to announce new opportunities for instructors to gain experience in online course creation, teaching with Canvas, and the Quality Matters course review process. They include:
- Online Course Bootcamp – NEW SESSIONS JUST ADDED
- Improving Your Online Course (IYOC)
- QM Essentials Review
- COFFEE: House Blend
Please see the full descriptions and registration links at our Quality Matters for Summer Accelerate website.
For applicable participants, these trainings can be listed on annual reviews in the Faculty Success system. Check with your department for specific details. If you have any questions about these training opportunities or any aspect of Quality Matters at Clemson, please email Lori Kinley.
Active Learning in Canvas for Everyone
Wednesday, March 15
In Canvas, the options for integrating active learning are expansive. It can be daunting to choose activities and assessments that work well for the diverse backgrounds your learners represent. In this presentation, you will learn inclusive principles to help with this task and learn why inclusivity in learning activities is paramount for student success.
- Facilitated by James Butler, Digital Learning Strategist
- Time: 1:30 PM – 2:15 PM
- Location: Virtual
Register here for Active Learning in Canvas for Everyone on March 15th
Clemson Online Spring 2023 Events Calendar
Review our Spring 2023 Events Calendar to see what Online Instruction Development opportunities await!
We have a robust Spring semester lineup of topics and live training formats to support your use of Canvas and other e-learning tools. Topics cover demonstrations of using Kaltura, presentations on inclusive practices for online education, and workshops to get your Canvas site ready to teach!
All of our live training is recorded. Registrants will automatically receive a link to that day’s video after it has been processed.
Contact James Butler with any questions about these sessions.
Clemson Online – Where Tech and Teaching Meet