
Quality Matters Cohort Update

March 20, 2023

Get a status update on our inaugural QM Cohort!

Applying the Rubric

The inaugural QM Cohort is well underway and the participants have now completed the Applying the Quality Matters Rubric workshop (APPQMR). The intensive APPQMR provided participants with a strong understanding of the course review process, the QM Rubric, and how to apply it to their own courses. Next up will be their individual course reviews with certified peer reviewers from Clemson Online. Here is a sampling of what the participants said after completing the APPQMR:

  • “I was surprised how thorough the review process is – by completing this process any course – online or in person – can be improved! “

  • “I was surprised the feedback was more of a friendly tone rather than coming from a superior. The course design framework is like a roadmap and this I think will help be construct my courses going forward.”
  • “I was happy to learn how comprehensive accessibility considerations are [and] to see that we were made aware of diverse students’ needs.”

  • “I never knew about the “Inspect” tool on a browser to get to the HTML code. There’s really a lot to be learned about a webpage that I didn’t know was so easily accessible. How cool that it was right under my nose the whole time!”

If you’re interested in Quality Matters, the course review process, or upcoming QM Cohorts, reach out anytime! QM applies to any online or hybrid course, synchronous or asynchronous. We are happy to answer questions and talk about how QM can help you! Email Sharyn at

Upcoming Events

Quality Matters for Summer Accelerate

Clemson Online is proud to announce new opportunities for instructors to gain experience in online course creation, teaching with Canvas, and the Quality Matters course review process. They include:

  • Online Course Bootcamp
  • Improving Your Online Course (IYOC)
  • QM Essentials Review
  • COFFEE: House Blend

Please see the full descriptions and registration links at our Quality Matters for Summer Accelerate website.

For applicable participants, these trainings can be listed on annual reviews in the Faculty Success system. Check with your department for specific details. If you have any questions about these training opportunities or any aspect of Quality Matters at Clemson, please email Lori Kinley.

iClicker Cloud Training and Drop-in

Wednesday, March 29

Join us for a special face-to-face training on iClicker Cloud. Learn to use iClicker Cloud for active learning activities such as live polling, knowledge checks, and more. Clemson Online is collaborating with an iClicker representative who will be on campus to demonstrate how iClicker Cloud works and why you should be using it in your class.

We still encourage you to register if you cannot attend in person. We will contact you about a virtual one-on-one consultation that better fits your schedule.

  • Trainings: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM or 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
  • Drop-in: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
  • Location: Cooper 204

Register for iClicker Cloud Training on March 29th 

Quick Hits – New ASL Zoom Feature Basics

Thursday, March 30

We are excited to introduce Zoom’s latest feature: American Sign Language Interpretation. Join this session to learn the basics of how this feature works and what you need to know if you are hosting a Zoom Event or meeting and require ASL interpreters. This training is for anyone who regularly hosts Zoom Events and meetings or for anyone who requires ASL interpretation. This training is the first of two events, the second is essential for hosting long Zoom Events. Click here to learn more about the second event.

  • Facilitated by Axel Ruiz, Sr. Learning Tech. Specialist, and Dan Lewis, Director of Digital Accessibility, CCIT Internal Operations
  • Time: 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
  • Location: Virtual

Register here for Quick Hit: New ASL Zoom Feature Basics on March 30th 

Clemson Online Spring 2023 Events Calendar

Collage image of month calendar with days of the week highlighted in orange, overlaid with orange tulips

Review our Spring 2023 Events Calendar to see what Online Instruction Development opportunities await!

We have a robust Spring semester lineup of topics and live training formats to support your use of Canvas and other e-learning tools. Topics cover demonstrations of using Kaltura, presentations on inclusive practices for online education, and workshops to get your Canvas site ready to teach!

All of our live training is recorded. Registrants will automatically receive a link to that day’s video after it has been processed.

Contact James Butler with any questions about these sessions.

Clemson Online – Where Tech and Teaching Meet

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