Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Follow Up Friday

A banner image can enhance your Canvas course design and immediately let students know they are in the right course.

Follow Up Friday

As a Teacher in Canvas, you can add other people to your course in roles with various permissions.

Follow Up Friday

Customize your course Dashboard card in Canvas to help students find your course.  From the Archives: Dashboard Cards in Canvas Adding a Dashboard card can help students quickly recognize your course on the Canvas Dashboard. To add a dashboard card to a course: Prepare your image. Canvas recommends the image be 262 pixels x 146 […]

Make your Canvas Site Beautiful with Clemson Online

Clemson Online has created a substantial library of design elements to help every instructor create clear, effective and eye-catching Canvas sites. Well-done visuals not only capture learners’ attention, but they can also help make it easier for learners of all types to read and retain information. By effectively using visual cues like icons and page […]

Follow Up Friday

In Case You Missed it: Finals Week Faculty Resources With Finals upon us, take a moment to review some of the following resources, tips, and tricks to get you through the final leg of the Fall 2021 term. In Case You Missed It: Faculty Resource Center – Stop by this Canvas Site, under Modules, to find […]

Plan for a Stress-Free Finals Week with Clemson Online

Are You Ready for Finals? Clemson Online can help you finish 2021 with less stress! If you need any help getting through Finals Week, don’t go it alone! Our self-enroll Canvas site, the Faculty Resource Center, has a variety of resources to get you through the end of the semester with a minimum of fuss. […]