Two Packaging Science students have been named “Outstanding Seniors” in Fall 2023 awards. Leah Severance was named Packaging World Outstanding Packaging Science Senior for Fall 2023 for Clemson University. Sarah Jane Lynskey was named the Robert Testin Outstanding Packaging Science Senior Award winner for Fall 2023 for Clemson University. Dr. Robert Testin was the first […]
The Sonoco Institute of Packaging Design and Graphics at Clemson University
Meet Our Fall Interns!
Sarah Jane Lynskey is a packaging science major with a business minor from just outside of Atlanta, Georgia. Through her studies of packaging and materials, she has developed a passion for sustainability, which has led her to the Summit Team. After graduation in December, Sarah Jane will go to work for Newell Brands. Katherine RayMajor: […]
Student Projects from Packaging Science 4200
This spring 26 senior Clemson students completed the Packaging Science 4200 course. Taught by Haley Appleby, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Science, the students were tasked with design projects from two sponsoring companies looking for sustainable packaging solutions: Atlantic Packaging: redesign a direct-to-consumer hat package to be sustainable and curbside […]
Meet our Summer Intern!
My name is Madison Montgomery (Madi), and I am a Graphic Communications major. This first week of my internship as a Print Laboratory Assistant at The Sonoco Institute has been more than exciting. So far, I have learned a lot about the flexography process. With little experience in flexography, aside from GC 1040, I was […]
First Printpack Sustainability Scholarship Awarded to Sarah Dumont
The Clemson University Packaging Science Faculty is pleased to announce Sarah Dumont as the first Printpack Sustainability Scholar. Sarah will receive a $10,000 scholarship for the 2023-2024 academic year. This scholarship supports students in pursuit of sustainable packaging initiatives and education. Sarah Dumont is a senior at Clemson from Goose Creek, SC. She is studying Packaging Science […]
ProjectFLEX – Showing the Industry What Women Can Do
2023 is the inaugural year of ProjectFLEX: an annual print project showcasing the capabilities of the amazing women in the flexographic industry. Courtney Lesley got the idea for ProjectFLEX from working on promotional print projects with her employer. The idea behind ProjectFLEX was to develop a way for women in the industry to work together to […]
PackJam 2023
This past weekend, Clemson University hosted the annual Student Packaging Jamboree. The event’s theme was “Pack is Back,” which celebrated the first in-person PackJam since the pandemic began. Clemson welcomed students and educators from six universities across the United States and Canada, as well as representatives from the twelve industry event sponsors. The weekend was […]
Meet our Spring Interns!
Abby TammaroMajor: Packaging ScienceMinor/Emphasis: Food and Health CareYear: JuniorHometown: Harleysville, PAFavorite Class: PKSC 2200Favorite Artist: Noah KahanFavorite Clemson Spot: Death Valley What is your favorite part about the Advanced Print Lab internship so far? My favorite part is probably being exposed to something I most likely wouldn’t have seen before and learning more about packaging […]
48 Hour Repack Student Packaging Design Competition
The 14th Annual 48HR REPACK, hosted by the Institute of Packaging Professionals (IoPP Southeastern Chapter), took place February 3-5, 2023. The student package design competition was created as a forum to highlight the skills and talents of tomorrow’s design professionals. Teams were asked to choose from three design challenges presented by Plastixx FFS, The Coca-Cola Company and […]
September Reflections
Summer is officially over and Fall is my favorite season of the year! Before I get too hopeful about what is coming, I’d like to reflect a bit on the past month. The summer ended on a good note for the Sonoco Institute. We had one of our busiest months this year – out of […]