Clemson Army ROTC

Current Army ROTC Cadets and Their Experiences From the Recent FTX

CDT McCall:

021On our platoon’s first patrol lane, I was the PL. It was definitely an enlightening experience. I learned the importance of making sure we had SOP’s beforehand and I learned a lot from my mistakes. Although the lane went poorly, it showed me and the platoon what we needed to work on. On our second FTX I was the RTO for both lanes. I learned that the RTO will make or break a mission, and I made sure that I gave the PL all the information and help they needed. As the RTO I got to hang around the PL the whole time and I was able to learn a lot. I would have to say that being the RTO is definitely the best job.



CDT Mooney:

I was the Platoon leader for the last FTX, 13 FEB 16. `I had 060an essential leadership role to ensure that my platoon completed the mission. I was in charge of specific tasks including: flipping the OPORD briefed from the commander, briefing this to my squad leaders, making sure rehearsals were conducted, as well as moving efficiently to the objective and completing the ambush. Myself as well as my RTO, 3rd Squad Leader, and alpha team 3rd squad conducted a leader to conduct the Leaders Recon. When completed we carried out our plan and completed accordingly. The first FTX I was the member of a squad and completed primary aid and litter as assigned by my squad leader as well as maintained an ongoing dialogue with the ML I&II’s to ensure they were aware of what was going on. In whole I was able to both learn and develop my skill set further being in leadership.

CDT Spagnoletti:

lab 1During this FTX, I took the position of PSG for the second lane that day. Our mission was to conduct a movement to contact in order to clear the area of SAPA patrols. The PL and I were having problems with the radios, so communication was difficult at times. This became a problem when we approached an unexpected linear danger area. After some minor difficulties, we were able to secure the road so that the entire platoon could cross safely. Even though I struggled with communication at times, the mission was still able to be conducted successfully.



CDT Pike:

My name is CDT Wesley Pike and I am a junior finance major at 116Clemson and a Cadet in ROTC. Our junior class has gone on two weekend training sessions the past couple weeks. On the first weekend we did land navigation in the morning from 0800 until 1200; then we conducted a platoon raid from 1300-1630. For this lane, I was a squad leader. My job was to receive the mission from the platoon leader, disseminate it to my squad of eight other Cadets, and ensure that we did our role to complete the mission. This past weekend, I was the platoon sergeant. This meant I was in charge of security, discipline, sustainment, and anything first aid related for the entire platoon, including calling in a medevac if necessary. I worked well with the platoon leader to ensure that the mission given to our platoon was a success. It was good to get out into the field and use what I’ve learned in the classroom in a practical way and I look forward to future training opportunities.