April 21, 2021
The natural hair discrimination laws for people of color have been spreading throughout the world since the beginning of the 16th century Trans-Atlantic slave route. In the United States, natural hair has been deemed as unprofessional, untamed, dreadful, or in need of being “relaxed.” The Tignon Act of the late 18th century was enacted by the […]
April 21, 2021
As we enter what we all hope are the final phases of the COVID-19 global pandemic, public administrators are presented with countless opportunities to reflect on how government has responded to unprecedented challenges. While much of the national conversation is focused on large scale federal programs, the response to the pandemic has permeated every agency […]
February 17, 2021
Innovation within the public sector, specifically governmental organizations, will slowly emerge as workplace culture shifts to a less authoritarian leadership-driven environment. In the public sector, older leadership regime protects the status quo, content with incremental changes, to preserve their status, trying to avoid major career-ending mistakes, and clinging to old skills in a rapidly shifting […]