February 12, 2018
As we recognize throughout our policy study, there are usually clear separations in political views with policy agendas. Views on immigration are no different. A June 2015 PEW Research Center trends study found that 71% of Republicans say immigrants in the U.S. are making crime worse, compared to just 34% of Democrats. The same view […]
February 12, 2018
“Policy is not made once and for all; it is made and remade endlessly. Policy-making is a process of successive approximation to some desired objectives in which what is desired itself continues to change under reconsideration” – Charles E. Lindblom In the formative days of our country, the notion of same-sex marriage would have been as […]
February 12, 2018
“I ask the chair, you know what this is? It’s a snowball, just from outside here. So it’s very, very cold out. Very unseasonal,” James Inhofe, Republican senator from Oklahoma, said shortly before he infamously threw a snowball in the Senate Chamber (as reported by Slate in February 2015). Inhofe’s performance that day was in the context […]