
PUBLISHED: Does the domain of technology impact user trust? Investigating trust in automation across different consumer-oriented domains in young adults, military, and older adults

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Pak, R., Rovira, E., McLaughlin, A. C., & Baldwin, N. (2016). Does the Domain of Technology Impact User Trust? Investigating trust in automation across different consumer-oriented domains in young adults, military, and older adults. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. doi:10.1080/1463922X.2016.1175523.


Trust has been shown to be a determinant of automation usage and reliance. Thus, understanding the factors that affect trust in automation has been a focus of much research. Despite the increased appearance of automation in consumer-oriented domains, the majority of research examining human-automation trust has occurred in highly specialised domains (e.g. flight management, military) and with specific user groups. We investigated trust in technology across three different groups (young adults, military, and older adults), four domains (consumer electronics, banking, transportation, and health), two stages of automation (information and decision automation), and two levels of automation reliability (low and high). Our findings suggest that trust varies on an interaction of domain of technology, reliability, stage, and user group.