Clemson University Institute for Intelligent Materials, Systems and Environments (CU-iMSE)

EDRA53 GREENVILLE | Health in All Design: Promoting Health, Equity, Sustainability, and Resilience through Environmental Design

The Submission Portal Opens September 13, 2021

The Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) invites practitioners, researchers, and educators to join us at our 53rd annual conference to engage in a conversation around the role of the built environment in promoting health, equity, sustainability and resilience through environmental design research and practice.

The conference will provide a platform to explore issues of health in the environment in relation to equity, resilience and sustainability, supporting needs of diverse populations, promoting health and well-being in different physical settings, activism and advocacy for health in all design, transdisciplinary collaborations to address complex problems and pedagogies and methods to integrate health foci in environmental design education.

We invite submissions in one or more of the following topical areas/themes: More->>

  • Health, equity, resilience and sustainability
  • Designing for diverse populations
  • Designing for health and well-being
  • Activism and advocacy
  • Transdisciplinary collaborations
  • Pedagogies and methods