Department of Economics

Services for Bob Tollison

Services for Robert Tollison will be held 2:00 PM Friday at Fort Hill Presbyterian Church. Following the service, a reception will be held at Tartan Hall.

Celebrating the Life of Robert D.Tollison (1942-2016)

Robert D. Tollison’s life began and ended in Upstate South Carolina. After attending Spartanburg High School and graduating Wofford College, Bob began a career that carried him to great international academic acclaim and all across the country. However, to those of us at Clemson who had the great privilege and delight of interacting with him […]

How Would the Policy Proposals of Clinton and Trump Impact SC’s Economy?

Scott Baier was interviewed in The State newspaper on the impact of this year’s presidential candidates policy proposals. One key concern is the growing anti-trade rhetoric in politics. SC imported over $9 billion of goods from China and Mexico in 2015. Many of these imports are intermediate goods used in manufacturing. Making these imports more […]

Matt Lewis op-ed: Price-gouging laws are counterproductive

A leak in the Colonial Pipeline in Alabama in September reduced the flow of gasoline to Georgia and the Carolinas. In a Charlotte Observer op-ed, Economics Professor Matthew Lewis argues that price-gouging laws make a bad situation worse. The threat and history of legal action by state AGs exacerbates the problem, in part by inducing […]