Department of Economics

Recession fears wane as economic outlook slowly improves

Scott Baier, department chair and economics professor, lends his perspective on the current economic landscape in the United States. He delves into data regarding the recession, inflation and the positive trends in the economy. Explaining the differences between consumer perception of the economy, the media’s representation and the actual data, he focuses on the demand […]

Mergers can benefit consumers: Insights from Economics professor

On Squawk Box, Thomas Hazlett, H.H. Macaulay Endowed Professor of Economics, details the consumer benefits of mergers, challenging the perceived skepticism surrounding them. Explaining the case for lighter merger regulations, he uses his expertise to clarify the advantages of reducing regulations. Watch the interview.

Revolutionizing the cellular network landscape: Professor of economics provides perspective on the T-Mobile-Sprint merger

Thomas Hazlett, an H.H. Macaulay Endowed Professor in Economics, speaks on T-Mobile’s merger with Sprint in April 2020 and how it defied initial skepticism. Considering the merger between the two companies as pro-competitive rather than anti-competitive, he states how it reshaped the cellular network industry. Hazlett explains the success of the merger, how it benefits […]