Department of Economics

Professor Gerald Dwyer was one of the expert panelists to speak on Cryptocurrencies and blockchain at the American Enterprise Institute

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain: Techno-gold or fool’s gold? The rise and fall in the price of bitcoin and competing cryptocurrencies make headlines daily. Are bitcoin and its competitors viable currencies or just a fad that will fade if a speculative bubble bursts? Is the underlying blockchain technology that makes bitcoin possible an important financial innovation? Do cryptocurriencies […]

IEP Presents Tullock Lecture – Dorothy Robyn – February 27, 2018

Information Economy Project Big Ideas Lecture Tuesday, Feb 27th 2018, 05:00 pm Tillman Hall, Memorial Auditorium Congress is hotly debating whether to privatize the air traffic control system – the most significant potential change to aviation since airline deregulation. Embracing a reform that President Clinton pursued unsuccessfully in the 1990’s, the Trump Administration has made […]

Economics Club – February 13, 2018

Economics Club Elections Tuesday, February 13th, 2018, 06:00 pm 204 Sirrine For those Economics and Finance undergraduates who are interested in holding a position on the Executive Board of the Economics Club please attend an informational meeting Tuesday February 13th at 6 pm.