
Summer REU at Clarkson University

January 3, 2019

Research Experience for Undergraduates Clarkson University    
Contact Name Dr. Shane Rogers
Contact Telephone 315-268-6501
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL) 04-Mar-2019
Synopsis Clarkson University hosts a 10 week summer research program to engage a diverse group of undergraduate students in first-class research projects in the theme area of Advancing Sustainable Systems and Environmental Technologies to Serve Humanity (ASSETs to Serve Humanity). The program brings together students from environmental engineering, ecology, and environmental chemistry to share their perspectives on remediation and management of biotic and abiotic pollutants. All research projects are within the area of sustainable management to understand the role of environmental science and engineering in managing pollutants in natural systems. Participants will gain professional experience, valuable mentorship, and graduate school preparation in a positive research environment.