EEES Internship and Job Postings

NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship

EEES Students:  Please consider applying for the Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship.  It is sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA).  Ernest Hollings was a long-serving senator from SC and this scholarship is a tribute to his public service.  Student scholars receive up to $9,500 per academic year for two years of full-time […]

SC DHEC – Geologist/Hydrologist I

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) Underground Storage Tank (UST) Management Division is looking for qualified professionals to join our program. Our program will be hiring 3 full time employees under this one job posting. Please pass this job posting along to interested and eligible candidates.  If you have any questions, please feel free to […]

REU | Engineering for Bouncing Back – Oregon State University

Oregon State University is pleased to announce summer internships for undergraduate students on the topic of resilience. The Engineering for Bouncing Back (EBB) program will award research experience for undergraduates (REU) fellowships of $5,000 per student, along with travel and subsistence support, for participation in hands-on and interdisciplinary research on building resilient communities. During the […]

Schneider Electric Leadership Development Program

Apply for Schneider Electric’s Leadership Development Program Schneider Electric is recruiting upcoming Engineering, Business and STEM-related undergraduates to be a part of a unique, accelerated, cross-business leadership development experience. This three-year rotational program begins Summer 2019. The participant will experience three diverse job roles, within two businesses, at two to three Schneider Electric U.S. locations. Rotations will exist across […]

NASA’s Summer Undergraduate Program for Planetary Research (SUPPR) at the University at Buffalo

UNDERGRADUATE SUMMER INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY (NASA’S SUPPR) The NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics Undergraduate Research Program has a new name: it’s now known as NASA’s Summer Undergraduate Program for Planetary Research (SUPPR) and it is accepting applications from students who are interested in exploring planetary science for 8 weeks this summer under the mentorship of a […]

AIPG National Undergraduate Scholarship

Purpose To assist students with college education costs and to promote student participation in the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG). Up to ten scholarships will be awarded to declared undergraduate geological sciences majors who are at least sophomores. Details for applying for these scholarships are provided below. Scholarship Awards Scholarship awards in the amount […]

2019 Summer Internships with Savannah River Remediation

Apply now for 2019 Summer Internships with Savannah River Remediation at the Savannah River Site!  The 2019 Summer Internship program at Savannah River Remediation (SRR) is open for submission of applications through the month of December.  If you know a college student interested in an internship, engineering or non-engineering fields, they should submit their application and […]