
REU | Engineering for Bouncing Back – Oregon State University

February 4, 2019

Oregon State University is pleased to announce summer internships for undergraduate students on the topic of resilience. The Engineering for Bouncing Back (EBB) program will award research experience for undergraduates (REU) fellowships of $5,000 per student, along with travel and subsistence support, for participation in hands-on and interdisciplinary research on building resilient communities.

During the ten-week program, students will work with a faculty mentor and graduate student on a specific project and develop research skills to increase graduate school opportunities. In addition, students will participate in cohort-building activities such as, field trips to communities facing unique challenges in resilience and a film night focused on community resilience stories. Professional development activities include weekly skill-building workshops and panels, a 10-page project report, and a final program symposium.

Highly motivated undergraduate students are encouraged to apply: