Clemson Forages Team

Best Agricultural Management Practices for Forage-Livestock Systems in South Carolina 

Best Agricultural Management Practices for Forage-Livestock Systems:  A program highlighting research and decision tools in South Carolina  This event is part of the 2023-2024 SCNBFP Advanced workshops collection and is coordinated and developed by Dr. Liliane Silva in collaboration with a multi-disciplinary group of Specialists.  Register here:

Silvopasture Systems in the Southeast US webinars and field day

We invite you to attend the “Silvopasture Systems in the Southeast US” webinar series and field day. These events are a collaboration between Clemson Extension agents and Specialists and will have the participation of Forages Specialists from Virginia Tech and the University of Tennessee.  Pre-registration is required. Register here:  Webinar Series (free of charge): Field day […]