Integrated Pest Management

Edisto REC Hosts Field Corn Field Day

On Thursday, July 27, a corn production field day was held at Clemson University’s Edisto Research and Education Center in Blackville, SC. The field day was well attended by growers and other stakeholders to learn about the latest research and recommendations for corn agronomy, disease and nematode management, insect management, and soil fertility management. Dr. […]

Management of Alternaria Black Spot on Conventional and Organic Kale Grown in the Fall

Contributing Author: Dr. Anthony Keinath Black spot, also known as Alternaria leaf spot, is considered to be the most important fungal disease on organic kale in South Carolina. It tends to be more prevalent in the fall than in the spring. The primary cause is the fungus Alternaria brassicicola (AB), found worldwide on brassica crops. […]

New home for the Clemson IPM newsletter

Welcome to the new home for the Clemson IPM program newsletter. The newsletter will continue to provide timely updates on integrated pest management across all priority areas, just with a new look!