
Follow Up Friday

February 26, 2021

This week: QM project update, posts you may have missed, and upcoming events

Thank you for your response to the QM rollout!

After the previous post about our Quality Matters pilot, several instructors have gotten in touch with us about starting a QM review. Thank you to all who’ve contacted Clemson Online so far. We are excited to keep this momentum, so feel free to reach out to us, if you haven’t already. We are also planning a more formal “debut” of QM at Clemson this fall, to kick off the ’21-’22 academic year. So, if you aren’t able to join us for QM now, you’ll be reminded again in the Fall about upcoming opportunities to do so.

The Clemson Tiger Mascot sitting at a desk, holding a notebook.

Posts you may have missed:

What’s coming up?



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