Be sure to check our video about how to get started with accessibility and sign up for the last round of Kaltura trainings for Fall 2022!
From the Archives
If you don’t know where to begin with accessibility, try starting with a Summer training session from our Accessibility Coordinator, Michelle Tuten! In this training, Michelle covers the basics of accessibility and how you can take easy steps to start making your course more accessible for learners.
Watch Quick Hits: Getting Started with Accessibility here.
Upcoming Events
Kaltura Basics I
Kaltura Basics I is an overview of Kaltura and how you can interact with it. It will introduce you to the difference between accessing Kaltura through Canvas and MediaSpace, the difference between My Media and Course Videos, adding an existing video to Kaltura, adding a collaborator (sharing a video), and embedding a video in Canvas. Be sure to register for Basics II, Advanced I, and Advanced II to learn even more about Kaltura! Register below to join October 18th Basics I session from 10:30a – 11:00a. Facilitated by Gray Jackson, Learning Technology Specialist. Contact James Butler with any questions about this session. Register for October 18th Kaltura Basics I training.
Kaltura Basics II
Kaltura Basics II is a demonstration of using Kaltura to create videos. It will cover accessing the Kaltura recorder, creating a video using the recorder, basic video edits, accessing your created video, and adding machine-generated captioning. Be sure to register for Advanced I & Advanced II to learn more about Kaltura! Register below to join the October 18th Basics II session from 11:30a – 12:00p. Facilitated by Gray Jackson, Learning Technology Specialist. Contact James Butler with any questions about this session. Register for October 18th Kaltura Basics II training.
Workshop Wednesday: Consultations – What does a DLS do for you?
Did you know that you can book a consultation with a Clemson Online staff member to help with Canvas, Kaltura, course design, online instructional best practices and much more? Learn how to make an appointment, how to identify what type of support you need, and what a Digital Learning Strategist can do for you – no matter where you may be in your instructional journey. Join us in person at Cooper 309 or virtually through Zoom on October 19 from 1:30p – 2:15p. Facilitated by James Butler, Digital Learning Strategist. A Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants, 48 hours prior to the day of the event. Contact James Butler with any questions about this session. Register for October 19th DLS Workshop Wednesday.
Kaltura Advanced I
Kaltura Advanced I is dedicated to creating interactive quizzes in your Kaltura videos. After this training, you will be able to create a quiz in Kaltura, add a video quiz as an assignment in Canvas, access quiz results, and use the Kaltura dropbox to let students submit videos. Be sure to register for Advanced II to learn more about Kaltura! Register below for the October 20th Advanced I session from 10:30a – 11:00a. Facilitated by Gray Jackson, Learning Technology Specialist. Contact James Butler with any questions about this session. Register for October 20th Kaltura Advanced I training.
Kaltura Advanced II
Advanced II focuses on quality pedagogy when using Kaltura. After this session, you will be able to implement best practices for using Kaltura and you will be able to explain how to use Kaltura to enhance your class. Register below for the October 20th Kaltura Advanced II training from 11:30a – 12:00p. Facilitated by James Butler, Digital Learning Strategist. For questions about this training, please email James Butler. Register for October 20th Kaltura Advanced II training.
Clemson Online – Where Tech and Teaching Meet