On February 2, 2024, tech giant Apple launched the “The Apple Vision Pro” headset to the public market, reportedly hoping to sell as many as half a million headsets before the end of this year.
The Apple Vision Pro augmented reality headset has become one of the most talked-about gadgets, costing about $3500, making it the most expensive AR headset. According to Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, the Apple Vision Pro is “the most advanced consumer electronics device ever created.”
According to Apple, users can control the device’s interface using their eyes, hands and voice. The headset will allow users to immerse themselves in the company’s vision operating system, supporting spatial Facetime video, photos and apps.
While the headset’s production has been marked by creativity and innovation, recent media discussions have raised significant concerns. Critics argue that the product is prohibitively expensive and not aimed at the broader consumer market. Some personal opinions also assert that Apple’s inaugural headset lacks refinement and a clear purpose, emphasizing its inability to substitute for a laptop in professional settings. Multiple news reports citing social media activity highlight a recent surge in Vision Pro returns. According to The Verge, discomfort, headaches, and eye strain rank high among the reported reasons for returning Vision Pro headsets.
To examine the online engagement regarding the Apple Vision Pro, the team at SMLC conducted an in-depth analysis to find out the major discussion themes, sentiment analysis and showcase reactions about the AR headset in the United States. Results show that over the timeframe from the launch date, till this article was posted, there were over 105.68k mentions with a reach of 3.73 billion. Interestingly, there was a close gap in the sentiment analysis; 49.99% (26.83K) were positive mentions, while 50.01% (26.84K) were negative.
Embarking on thoroughly exploring sentiment scores and their associated themes, positive mentions have manifested distinctive topic clusters and emerging themes. These include Experience, Spatial Computing, Real-Time Events, Future Developments, Apps, and Sports. The ensuing reactions provide a glimpse into the diverse conversations surrounding these themes.
Additional themes arising from a negative perspective encompass Generation Attention Span, Apple Vision, and the anticipation of normalcy in a few years.
With the Apple Vision Pro being just about a month old, I believe time will serve as the ultimate narrator in discerning both the adoption rate and the overall success of this gadget.
Author: Bowale Odukale