
Clemson Army ROTC assists the Purple Heart Homes organization

November 25, 2014

“On 14 November 2014 I took part in Purple Heart Homes in Anderson, SC.  Remodeling this home has been an ongoing project for an Iraq veteran who had lost his leg while serving.  I worked with a few Air Force cadets under retired Air Force veterans to lay a wooden floor.  The wooden floor made it easier for him to move around his home while in his wheelchair.  I personally really enjoyed participating in PPHs because it was a productive way to help a veteran who had sacrificed a lot for his service.  As a cadet, I believe that recognizing and giving back to people who have served is extremely important.  Interacting with the other cadets and the retired veterans allowed me to learn more about the Air Force and what to expect as an officer in the military.  I also feel as though I learned a lot about home improvement that will be useful later on.  I hope that I have another opportunity to work with this program!”

Cadet West

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