The Buck Creek Foundation began with a dream and that dream was to create a place where regardless of intellectual disability, individuals could come and be taught essential skills that lead to greater independence, social awareness, and that enable them to live the best life they possibly can. Through their two campuses, Giving Hope Gardens and Giving Hope Farm, the Buck Creek Foundation will create agricultural programs to employ these individuals. These campuses will go beyond just providing vocational opportunities, but will enhance these individuals’ lives by fostering a greater level of confidence in them, so that they may become more active and contribute to society in a way previously unseen.
The Foundation’s goals include changing social perspective. Society as a whole has created a false sense of disparagement by labeling these individuals based upon a disability. The Foundation will not use these individual’s disabilities as a platform to enhance these false stereotypes but they will spotlight these individual’s unique abilities in order to cultivate self-confident members of society with greater levels of self-reliance and self-worth. This growing community deserves to have opportunities just as you and I have been afforded. We must be the generation that changes the stereotype; the generation that creates awareness. The generation that institutes change and that builds a brighter future.
There are few organizations with such a charitable cause at their heart. The Foundation seeks to help those who did not choose the path that they are on, but it intends on offering services to as many as possible to increase the opportunities made available to them. They will focus on enriching lives in a positive environment that encourages these people to be their best selves and to reach for skills that are obtainable to them.
The Foundation doesn’t plan to stop this good work at just vocational skills, but in order to further develop these individuals, they will also provide greater levels of social training and extended levels of applied education. The focus of the foundation is truly on personal growth and without opportunity there can be no growth.
Imagine a day in their shoes. Imagine not having the resources to reach your full potential because of others neglect. Now, for moment imagine a place: where judgment doesn’t exist, where patience abounds, and where hope is the center of all things. This place will be Giving Hope Gardens and Giving Hope Farm. This endeavor is greater than each of us, for it is a journey to provide opportunities, education, and care for those who function on a level that maybe different but whose value is no less than yours or mine. It is time to change the definition of different because different is unique, different is beautiful, and different is what the future must be in order to make change a reality.
Buck Creek Foundation