Department of Economics

The John E. Walker Department of Economics welcomes new faculty members

David Drukker, Paulo Lins, Joseph Pedtke, Adam Soliman

The John E. Walker Department of Economics welcomes David Drukker, Paulo Lins, Joseph Pedtke, Adam Soliman, Eamon Espey, Chris Marshall and Gary Shiffman. David Drukker joined the Sam Houston State University Department, where he spent the last four years as an Associate Professor. Before his appointment at SHSU, David spent 20 years at Stata, where he was director of econometrics for much of his time. Paulo Lins joined the department after finishing his Ph.D. at the University of Rochester. Paulo is a macroeconomist whose areas of interest include macro-labor issues, consumption and inflation. Joseph Pedtke received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Minnesota. Joseph’s areas of expertise include macroeconomics, growth and labor. Adam Soliman joins the Department after a postdoctoral appointment at the London School of Economics. Adam’s research interests include crime, labor markets, urban, health and education. Adam received his Ph.D. from Duke University.

In addition, we are excited to add Eamon Espey, who will teach some of our advanced economic analytics classes to our master’s students. Chris Marshall will teach money, banking and financial markets to our undergraduate students. Chris was an Executive Vice President and Treasurer for Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria USA. Gary Shiffman joins the faculty, bringing 20 years of expertise and combining applied economics with artificial intelligence. Gary will teach courses on microeconomics in the age of AI and applied price theory. Gary also teaches courses for the Clemson MBA program.

Chris Marshall
Eamon Espey
Gary Shiffman