
RA Positions Open for AY 21-22

June 9, 2021

If you are interested in a RA position for the 2021-2022 academic year, then please see the below and attached information.

Good Afternoon Clemson Home Partners,

We are reaching out to let you know that there are openings for the Resident Assistant position that we are currently recruiting for this upcoming year. It is a fairly quick timeline, applications are currently open and will close June 13th, 2021. Please help us share this message with your student connections.

We have increased the compensation that will begin this Academic Year, 2021-2022. Compensation updates include:

  • RA’s will pay zero for on campus housing
  • RA’s hourly pay will begin at $10/hr
  • RA’s will get to choose their RA Meal plan

See the attached flyer and information to share forward.

Please feel free to reach back out to me if you have any questions, and if any students have questions, please direct them to