
REU Site: Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Urban Environments Summer 2022

February 11, 2022

We are currently recruiting for the REU Site: Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Urban Environments to begin in Summer 2022. Please forward this flier to any students that may be interested in the program. Students can visit for more information and to apply, but I am also happy to chat with them if they’d like additional information:

Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Urban Environments (GI4SUrE) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) is a 10-week summer program designed to expose and immerse 10 undergraduate students to unique green infrastructure (GI) research. Green infrastructure is a way to build better infrastructure, addressing the National Academy of Engineering’s Grand Challenge to restore and improve urban infrastructure. This program lets students perform field, laboratory, or modeling studies to explore how GI can mitigate the effects of urban runoff on surface water quality and hydrology. This research will affect not only eastern Tennessee, but any area that deals with urban stormwater runoff. Students will also dive into a professional and social atmosphere that will develop their fundamental research methodologies and critical thinking skills.
