October Faculty Writing Drop-In Session

Want to disappear and write for a while? Ensuring that faculty have the time and space to focus on scholarship, one of the most important aspects to their successful development, the Faculty ADVANCEment office invites you to stop by the next writing session: October 19, 2-5pm, 201 Vickery Hall (add it to your calendar).

We provide an opportunity for faculty to step back from other commitments and the noise of life and focus on a project of their choice (manuscript, creative writing, grants). Each session also allows faculty to meet colleagues, see old friends, and quietly co-work with Clemson colleagues over coffee and treats. Come for as much or as little time as you can spare. It all counts.

To register, please use this link: https://clemson.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bf6eiWN12eevp7o