
Genetics and Biochemistry faculty invited as event speakers – Spring 2024

May 13, 2024

Dr. Hong Luo speaks at the International Conference on Grassland and Forage Science

Hong Luo co-chaired the 2023 International Conference on Frontier in Grassland Science held in October 2023 in Beijing, China and gave an oral presentation titled “Gene pyramiding for boosted plant growth and broad abiotic stress tolerance”. Dr. Luo was also an invited speaker at the International Conference on Grassland and Forage Science held in November 2023 in Lanzhou, China, where he gave the presentationtitled, “Towards robust grasses under environmental adversities.”

Provost distinguished professor of genetics and biochemistry Robert Anholt was invited to be the keynote speaker at the Genomics Education Partnership symposium, sponsored by the Carolinas Regional Node at Clemson University. In additon, Dr. Anholt was the panel moderator at the Genomics and Informatics in Mental Health Research: Ethical practices and Considerations, Tigers for Inclusion, Diversity (TIDE) and Ethics Conference at Clemson University. 

Assistant professor Zhana Duren was invited to give talks at both the Conference of Midsouth Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society 2024 and the seminar of Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics at the Indiana University.


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