Genetics and Biochemistry News

Genetics and Biochemistry adds three new faculty to their department

The Department of Genetics and Biochemistry is excited to welcome two new tenure track assistant professors and a new lecturer to their departmental faculty: Drs. Manuel Fierro, Andrew Jezewski and Kristina Mercer. Dr. Manuel Fierro is currently a post-doctoral researcher with Dr. Josh Beck in the Roy J. Carver Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular […]

Gracie Dellinger ’24 awarded prestigious graduate research fellowship

Gracie Dellinger ’24, recent genetics and microbiology alum, was one of the six Clemson members recognized with the country’s most prestigious STEM-focused graduate research fellowship, awarded annually through the National Science Foundation (NSF). The NSF’s Graduate Research Fellowship program helps ensure the quality, vitality and diversity of the country’s scientific and engineering workforce by supporting […]

Genetics and Biochemistry faculty invited as event speakers – Spring 2024

Hong Luo co-chaired the 2023 International Conference on Frontier in Grassland Science held in October 2023 in Beijing, China and gave an oral presentation titled “Gene pyramiding for boosted plant growth and broad abiotic stress tolerance”. Dr. Luo was also an invited speaker at the International Conference on Grassland and Forage Science held in November 2023 in Lanzhou, China, […]

An interview with our newest assistant professor Shyamalika Gopalan, Ph.D.

Dr. Gopalan was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Southern California in the Center for Genetic Epidemiology and at Duke University in the Department of Evolutionary Anthropology. She joined the Department of Genetics and Biochemistry and the Center for Human Genetics at Clemson University as an assistant professor in late 2023. What interested you […]

Genetics and Biochemistry faculty and students receive awards – Spring 2024

Genetics graduate student Bharath Kunduru was awarded the Graduate Student Government’s Outstanding Graduate Research Assistant Award at their awards ceremony on April 4th.  Gracie Dellinger, an honors college student who is double-majoring in genetics and microbiology, has been awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Student Research Fellowship.  Graduate student Debarati Majumdar was awarded a competitive RNA Society Travel Fellowship […]

Genetics and Biochemistry faculty and grad students publish articles in peer-reviewed journals – Spring 2024

Assistant Professor Zhana Duren and post doctoral fellow Qiuye Yuan published the article “Inferring gene regulatory networks from single cell multiome data using atlas-scale external data” inNature Biotechnology. Assistant Professor Miriam Konkel published a paper in Nature’s News and Views section titled, “Mobile DNA explains why humans don’t have tails.” Trudy Mackay, self family endowed chair of human genetics, and Robert Anholt,  provost distinguished professor of genetics and biochemistry, published: “Pleiotropy, epistasis, and the genetic architecture of […]

Genetics and Biochemistry department members receive grants – Spring 2024

Assistant professor James Lewis was awarded a grant totaling $1,327,489 from the National Science Foundation for his proposal, “CAREER: Functional genomic architecture and population differentiation of a polygenic and sexually dimorphic butterfly mimicry phenotype.” Assistant professor Jennifer Mason received a $50,000 grant supplement from the American Cancer Society to perform a small compound screen to […]