Mechanical Engineering

ME PhD alumnus, Yasha Parvini, joins the University of Detroit Mercy (UDM) as an assistant professor

Yasha Parvini

Dr. Yasha Parvini joined the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Detroit Mercy (UDM), as an assistant professor, in August 2016. His research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of controls and energy systems. His research focuses on modeling and optimal control of electrical energy storage systems at both the component and system levels, within a diverse set of applications ranging from transportation systems to the electricity grid. He is currently involved in educating students through collaborative research and hands-on class activities at the newly established Center for Automotive Systems Engineering Education (CASEE) at UDM. He is also the advisor for the university’s motorsports team participating in the “Shell Eco-Marathon” and “SAE Super-Mileage” competitions.

Yasha Parvini (left) and Ardalan Vahidi

During his PhD studies at Clemson University he worked in Dr. Ardalan Vahidi’s Lab in the Department of Mechanical Engineering as a full time research assistant. His research focused on modeling, identification, and optimal control of electrical energy storage systems such as supercapacitors and batteries. Towards the end of his studies, he held an endowed teaching fellow position in the department and taught “Classical Control” to senior undergraduate students.

“The world class education I received at Clemson University provided me with the opportunity to pursue my dream job in academia. The experience of working with great scholars on cutting edge research, within a professional and highly collaborative setup, is the highlight of my unique Clemson experience. Special thanks goes to my advisor Prof. Vahidi, for providing the kind of environment that inspired learning through excellence in multidisciplinary and collaborative research,” Parvini said.