Mechanical Engineering

Four faculty awarded professorships

1. Mohammed Daqaq, associate professor of mechanical engineering, is a recipient of the Dale Reynolds ’67 Emerging Faculty Scholar Endowment. Mohammed Daqaq joined the Department in 2006. His teaching and research interests lie in the areas of nonlinear dynamics and control of mechanical systems ranging from the micro to the macro scale. He has a well-developed […]

Georges Fadel of Clemson University wins ASME Design Automation Award

Georges Fadel of Clemson University is the winner of an award from a leading professional society that has recognized him for his work in design automation. Fadel, the ExxonMobil Employees’ Chaired Professor, has received the Design Automation Award from the Design Engineering Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Georges Fadel, the ExxonMobil Employees’ […]

Dr. Ethan Kung wins $296,000 in AHA and StHS grants

Ethan Kung, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering, has won a $65,000 grant to support the project “Feasibility of a Novel Fontan Right-Side Assist Device”. This grant will be funded by the Saving tiny Hearts Society (StHS). He has also won a three year, $231,000 ($77,000 a year) grant to support the project “Design of Fontan Cavopulmonary […]

Dr. Suyi Li wins $192,604 NSF grant

Suyi Li, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering, has won a grant to support the project “Uncovering the Dynamics and Functionality of Origami Structures and Materials”. The grant will be funded by the Dynamics, Control and Systems Diagnostics (DCSD) program, which is part of the Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) division at the NSF. […]

Dr. Yue “Sophie” Wang wins $50,000 ARO grant

Yue “Sophie” Wang, the Warren H. Owen – Duke Energy Assistant Professor of Engineering, has won a grant to support the project on “Trust-based Optimal Guidance and Navigation for Multiple Manned-Unmanned Vehicles”. The grant is funded by the Army Research Office. This project aims at establishing trust-based control and scheduling algorithms for multiple manned and […]

Dr. Huijuan Zhao is part of a team that has won a $1.4M DOE grant

Huijuan “Jane” Zhao, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering, is a co-principal investigator on a team that has won a three year, $1.4 million grant from the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, a division of the Department of Energy (DOE). The research team also includes principal investigator Hai Xiao, Samuel Lewis Bell Distinguished […]

Dr. Xin Zhao wins $272,665 NSF grant

Xin Zhao, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering, has won a grant to support the project “Material Removal and Ejection Dynamics in Femtosecond Laser Machining of Microchannels in Transparent Materials”. The grant will be funded by the Manufacturing Machines and Equipment (MME) program, which is part of the Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) division […]

Dr. Phanindra Tallapragada wins $300,000 NSF grant

Phanindra Tallapragada, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering, has won a grant to support the project “Mechanics of Locomotion with Nonholonomic Constraints in a Fluid”. The grant will be funded by the Dynamics, Control and Systems Diagnostics (DCSD) program, which is part of the Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) division at the NSF. Project Abstract: […]

ME Ph.D. graduate, Xinyu Lu, has received the Medallion of Outstanding Graduate Researcher

The Graduate Fellowships and Awards Committee selected Xinyu Lu, and one other student, to receive a medallion for the Spring 2016 semester. The medallions were presented during the May 5th hooding ceremony at the Brooks Center. Xinyu’s doctoral research was to develop a fundamental understanding of particle transport phenomena in non-Newtonian fluids (e.g., polymer solutions […]

2017 U.S. News and World Report ranking

Our department has moved up from 53rd to 51st in the most recent U.S. News and World Report ranking of U.S, Graduate Schools in mechanical engineering. This is largely due to the high quality of our faculty, graduate students, and their accomplishments. We are tied with notable schools, such as Arizona State, Colorado School of […]

ME PhD student, Xinyu Lu, has won two awards

Congratulations to Xinyu Lu! He has won the Outstanding Graduate Researcher Award, which is given to two graduate researchers who have been recognized by faculty for having conducted outstanding research during the school year. He has also won the 2015 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad. This award honors overseas Chinese students with […]

Prof. Martinez-Duarte elected vice president of the AES Electrophoresis Society

ME Assistant Professor Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte has been elected vice president of the AES Electrophoresis Society from 2015 to 2017. He was previously a councilor to the society and its executive vice president. The society members, around 350, include top researchers in the broad field of electrokinetics, specially electrophoresis and dielectrophoresis. The AES Electrophoresis Society (link […]

Dr. Richard S. Miller has been elected to the grade of Associate Fellow in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

It is our pleasure to announce that Dr. Richard S. Miller of the Department of Mechanical Engineering has been elected to the grade of Associate Fellow in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) as of September 1, 2015. AIAA is a professional society for the aerospace and astronautics community hosting numerous conferences, books, […]