Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Martinez-Duarte elected vice president of the AES Electrophoresis Society


ME Assistant Professor Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte has been elected vice president of the AES Electrophoresis Society from 2015 to 2017. He was previously a councilor to the society and its executive vice president. The society members, around 350, include top researchers in the broad field of electrokinetics, specially electrophoresis and dielectrophoresis. The AES Electrophoresis Society (link to, previously the American Electrophoresis Society, is a unique organization founded in 1980 to improve and promote technologies for electrophoretic separation and detection. The society was formed to promote excellence; to cross many disciplines; to facilitate communication between members worldwide; to facilitate the training of scientists and students in electrophoresis and detection technologies; and to facilitate peers training peers. Its focus includes theoretical modeling of electrophoretic/electrokinetic manipulation of various bioparticles as well as the direct application of those principles and their refinement.