Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Follow Up Friday

Fountain in front of Cooper Library on Clemson University's campus on a sunny day, blue sky

Designing engaging student discussion boards according to best practices will set you up for a more productive experience.

Follow Up Friday

Discussion board groups are an easy way to break up a large classes and connect students to the course.

Follow Up Friday

Creating a discussion board is a great tool to promote online conversation and collaboration.

Netiquette Statements

Person writing the word "netiquette" on a white board with drawn @ symbols and email envelopes

Establish expectations for respectful engagement online early in your course with a Netiquette Statement. Netiquette for Online Learning What is Netiquette and why it important? Netiquette is etiquette for the internet. People engage with one another differently online than in person, and the online classroom is different from a face-to-face one. While many learners are […]

Follow Up Friday

Build presence in your online course through discussion boards.  From the Archives: Monday’s blog introduced the importance of building cognitive, social, and teaching presence in your online course. Discussion boards are another great way to contribute to your students’ sense of presence in the community. Online Community Building through Discussions Discussion boards are a great […]

Follow Up Friday: Group Discussion Boards

image depicts a person sitting at a table working on a laptop

See what you missed this week and learn about breaking your discussion boards into groups to help your learners stay engaged.  Follow Up Friday: Using Student Groups in Discussion Boards Following our Monday post about how to make your online discussion boards an active learning opportunity for your learners, we wanted to round out this […]

Active Discussion Boards

Want your discussion board to be active with conversation? Try these tips to improve the quality of the experience for your learners. Active Discussion Boards Encouraging active conversation on discussion boards can be tricky but what makes it difficult in an education setting is that they need to be active and of a certain quality. […]

Follow Up Friday: Discussion Tool Breakdown

Orange and purple paper arranged in the shape of a speech bubble

Are the number of discussion board tool options confusing? Which tool is best for you and your needs? Read on to learn about the options most used at Clemson University! Discussion Tools Breakdown To help you make sense of the options that are available, we have a helpful page that breaks down the most popular […]

Follow Up Friday

Student in Vickery Hall typing on a mac decorated with a Clemson paw sticker

In this Follow-Up Friday post, you can learn more about how to use a discussion forum in Canvas for your face-to-face course. From the archives On Monday we suggested various ways to consider using a discussion board in your online course (read it here). Today, we are sharing some key highlights from a Teaching Tip […]