Follow Up Friday: new time slots, posts you may have missed, and upcoming events
For Spring 2022, Clemson Online has changed the time slots for Quick Hits and Workshops! For the rest of the semester, we will host Workshop Wednesdays, from 1:30 pm – 2:15 pm. Our Quick Hits classes will be every Thursday from 3:30 – 4:00 pm. We’ve posted the Zoom links for every event over at our online calendar, so schedule your Wednesdays and Thursdays with us, and just click the Zoom link when the class is about to start! For questions or further information about our faculty development opportunities, contact James Butler.
Posts you may have missed:
- One year ago, Clemson Online was just starting with Quality Matters, the global leader in online course quality assurance. Now, the first QM-certified online course at Clemson is here! Read all about Ryan Toole’s certified course in Management, Personal Computer Applications at Clemson News. And if you’re interested in having an online course reviewed, contact Lori Kinley to arrange a consultation, and be sure to visit our QM at Clemson Canvas site to see what it’s all about.
- Important: update your Zoom client to avoid any trouble connecting to or recording meetings.
What’s coming up:
- Top 5 Outcomes from FFC&C (Wednesday, January 19 from 1:30 pm – 2:15 pm: Zoom link). This workshop is for instructors that facilitate courses in any modality. In 45 minutes, the Top 5 Outcomes from our instructor-led First Friday Coffee and Conversation past meetings will be highlighted. Topics featured will include online exams, learner engagement, and approaches from the pandemic you may consider utilizing. Facilitated by Lori Kinley, PhD, Associate Director of Online Development.
- Canvas Quiz Series Part 2 (Thursday, January 27 from 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm: Zoom link). In this session, we will demonstrate how to use Speedgrader to evaluate Quiz/Assignment submissions in Canvas. Facilitated by Clemson Online’s Learning Technology Specialist, Axel Ruiz.
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