Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Follow Up Friday

Using the Immersive Reader Tool in Canvas can help ensure your page’s content is accessible! Be sure to register for next week’s presentation on cognitive load. 

From the Archives: Canvas Immersive Reader Tool

Taking the perspective of our learners is fundamental to quality course design. This is all the more imperative when it comes to our learners with accessibility requirements and can be more challenging to do if you do not require accommodations for yourself. A common tool for accessibility is using a screen reader. So knowing how one works can help you understand how your learners are hearing how your course content sounds.

This week, read about Canvas’ Immersive Reader tool, which can help you catch errors in your content and help you understand how your learners are taking in your course content! It is a simply and easy tool that lives in the upper corner of your Canvas pages. Link to Canvas Immersive Reader tool blog post.

Upcoming Events

Workshop Wednesday: Cognitive Load

When learning new things, students use mental resources. Therefore, how much we ask of them in terms of cognitive capacity is one factor impacting learning effectiveness. Join this session to learn about cognitive load, how it affects learners and strategies for considering cognitive load when designing and teaching your courses. Join us in person at Cooper 309 or virtually through Zoom. Facilitated by Laura Scott, Instructional Designer. A Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants 48 hours prior to the day of the event.

Contact James Butler with any questions about this session.

Review Clemson Online’s Calendar of Events page to look at the rest of the development events we are offering in Fall 2022.

Clemson Online – Where Tech and Teaching Meet