Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Follow Up Friday

Want to brush up on teaching with Canvas before the Spring Term? Check out self-paced COFFEE and other upcoming opportunities.

From the Archives:

Our COFFEE series offers Canvas courses that you can join any time and complete at your own pace.

Need training on the basics of using Canvas?  Purple Tiger logo holding a coffee mug.

  • COFFEE: Basics
    • Oriented towards Extension Agents or anyone brand new to Canvas and online instruction.
    • Hands-on training on using Canvas.
  • COFFEE: Basics, part 2
    • A continuation of Basics with an expansion on various Canvas tools such as Announcements, Modules, etc.
  • COFFEE: First Year
    • Oriented towards early career instructors, particularly graduate students, who are instructing in either online and face-to-face modalities.

Need training on how to use Canvas in your face-to-face courses for more impactful learning?

  • COFFEE: House Blend
    • For users to learn how to use Canvas in their face-to-face on-campus courses.
    • A “Teaching with Canvas” certification is available upon successful completion of the course and a consultation with one of Clemson Online’s Digital Learning Strategists to review their course design.

Need training on creating and editing videos in Canvas? Or increasing the accessibility of your Canvas course?

  • COFFEE: Video and Visual
    • For users to learn how to create effective videos, edit recordings, etc.
  • COFFEE: Accessibility 
    • For users to learn how to make various elements of their course accessible, ranging from PDFs and images, to the principles of making content accessible.

Upcoming Opportunities

QM Cohort

If you are seeking professional development for your tenure or promotion file and you have taught a course either fully online or hybrid at least once, consider applying for the Spring 2023 QM CohortApplications will close on January 30th, 2023.

Canvas Jumpstart Series

Bring your laptop and join us for a three-day workshop to get your Canvas course site ready for Spring 2023! If you are teaching and using Canvas at all in your course, check out the schedule, topics, and how to register. This workshop series runs on January 5th, January 9th, and January 10th.

Clemson Online Spring 2023 Events Calendar

Review Clemson Online’s Calendar of Events page to look at the development events we will offer in Spring 2023.

Contact James Butler with any questions about these sessions.

Clemson Online – Where Tech and Teaching Meet