Clemson Online is excited to introduce new enrollment options for COFFEE! If you are new to COFFEE, and the training that it provides to all Clemson-affiliated instructors, then here is what you need to know. COFFEE has several versions to fit your particular teaching needs.
What is new this Spring is the self-paced options for several versions of COFFEE. Below is how they break down. Simply click the links in the titles for more details and how to enroll!
Need training with directed learning and feedback from an instructor on how to use Canvas to develop your course?
- COFFEE – Spring 2022 runs from February 1st to March 27th
- this is for users who have some experience with Canvas.
- 8-week asynchronous course
- participants learn how to create writing objectives, introduction videos, etc. in a ‘sandbox’ Canvas site
- assignments with feedback from the facilitator
- A completion certificate is available
- Iced COFFEE – Available from May 16th – June 19th
- a shorter version of COFFEE that runs over the summer
- 5-week asynchronous course
Need training on the basics of using Canvas especially if you have not taught before? Or perhaps you are an early career instructor?
- COFFEE: Basics
- Oriented towards Extension Agents or anyone brand new to Canvas and online instruction.
- Hands-on training on using Canvas
- Self-paced with no scheduled timeline for completion
- COFFEE: Basics, part 2
- A continuation of Basics with an expansion on various Canvas tools such as Announcements, Modules, etc.
- Self-paced with no scheduled timeline for completion
- COFFEE: First Year
- Oriented towards early career instructors, particularly graduate students, who are instructing in either online and face-to-face modalities
- Self-paced with no scheduled timeline for completion
Need training on how to use Canvas in your face-to-face courses for more impactful learning?
- COFFEE: House Blend – Enroll and complete any time!
- For users to learn how to use Canvas in their face-to-face on-campus courses.
- A “Teaching with Canvas” certification is available upon successful completion of the course and a consultation with one of Clemson Online’s Digital Learning Strategists or Instructional Designers to review their course design.
- Self-paced with no scheduled timeline for completion
Need training on creating and editing videos in Canvas? Or perhaps you are concerned about making all your content in your Canvas course accessible for your learners who have accessibility requirements?
- COFFEE: Video and Visual
- For users to learn how to create effective videos, edit recordings, etc.
- Self-paced with no scheduled timeline for completion
- COFFEE: Accessibility
- For users to learn how to make various elements of their course accessible, ranging from PDFs, images, to the principles of making content accessible
- Self-paced with no scheduled timeline for completion
Live Workshops and Quick Hits Training:
- Final Week of Tech Drop-ins for January (more to come later in the semester!). Do you have a question about how to use a feature of Canvas? Want to learn about a feature of Zoom? Then click here to drop in on the following dates and times.
- Monday, 1/24 & Tuesday, 1/25 from 2:00 pm – 4:oo pm
- Quick Hits: Canvas and Quizzes Series Part 2 of 2 – Using Speedgrader to Evaluate Quizzes
- Thursday, 1/27 from 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm.
- Register in TigerTraining or access the Zoom link on the day of the training via Clemson Online’s Calendar of Events (simply click the date on the page to reveal the Zoom link).
Social Media:
- Stay in the know about upcoming training, teaching tips, and tech tips by following our social media accounts!
Clemson Online Home – Where Tech and Teaching Meet