Web Services Blog

Add inline PHP to your pages

Say you want the following code in the content area of your page:

id = 300;

echo $app-id;

for($i=1; $i<=10; $i++){
echo "$i

However, after you submit, the WYSIWYG converts the code to this:

echo "this is just a test";

$app->id = 300;

echo $app-id;

for($i=1; $i<=10; $i++){
echo "$i


To prevent this, we will add // at end.

// id = 300;

echo $app-id;

for($i=1; $i<=10; $i++){
echo "$i
// -->

This is very similar to the old way of tags, but the current version of the wysiwyg editor doesnt always support it correctly.

Name an asset in Cascade

Each asset must be assigned a unique System Name in order to be saved into Cascade. Think of the System Name like you think of the file names when you go to Save (or Save As) a Word document. The System Name is what Cascade displays in the asset tree. It also becomes part of the url and is factored into search engine optimization.

Important things to remember when naming an asset:

  • The System Name is applied by choosing the System tab when creating an asset.
  • The System Name should be Web friendly. A Web friendly System Name is one that:
    • is all lower case
    • is one word or more than one word separated by a hyphen –
    • has no spaces
    • contains no special characters (!@!#$%^&*)

Every folder containing pages that will be included in the left navigation must have a page named index. The index page is, by default, the home page.

Change an ordered list from numeric to alpha

When you create an ordered list on your Web page, the default style is numeric like this:

  1. list item 1
  2. list item 2
  3. list item 3

Sometimes however you want your list to be ordered alphabetically instead of numerically. Apply an alpha style to your ordered list like this:

< ol style=”list-style: lower-alpha;” >

a. list item a

b. list item b

c. list item c


For more information, see Style Guide/Lists.

Accountability and Compliance

You are responsible for both the technical elements and content elements of your site. Please make sure your site’s content is accurate. You are responsible not only for maintaining your site but also for ensuring that the information is of the highest editorial standards (including spelling, grammar and accuracy). If errors are observed, the Office of Creative Services will contact you and request that corrections be made.

All pages must be in compliance with the appropriate campus policies, including “Clemson University Policy on Information Resources for Employees,” “Guarding the Brand” and applicable local, state and federal laws. The state of South Carolina is engaged in making state government information on the Web accessible to those with functional impairments in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998508.

Always remember copyright laws. Give credit to other authors where needed and investigate to make sure it is a legitimate and reputable source before linking to an outside site.