October 29, 2020
Brief: The Interior template hero images/banners were originally designed to be more of a “masthead”, to be consistent throughout parts of a site. This is why we have the image for this section set in the options block. We have had many questions regarding some custom edits to the titles/image, which are limited here to […]
April 18, 2017
Creating a text file called “htaccess.txt” (all lowercase and no quotes) is a simple way to password protect certain Web pages. Create a new file in any text editor such as Notepad (Windows) or Text Edit (Mac) and name it htaccess.txt. Copy the following text in red into your htaccess.txt file. AuthType shibboleth ShibRequireSession On […]
April 1, 2010
There are now two types of MySQL databases available. If you need a database for a production application for a university department one will be assigned to you. This is a version 5 MySQL database resource. It is backed up at the database level (not the record level). Request a departmental or organizational MySQL database: […]
April 1, 2010
CASCADE USERS Your site currently gets published to a Web server with large file space allocation. Request space only for Web applications used in your site. Newly created space, if approved, will go on a server separate from the rest of your site. If you are requesting space on the media server to house images, pdfs […]
April 1, 2010
A current list of top-level Web Responsible University Officials can be found at the address below. These are people that the Creative Services Web team recognizes as the contact person at the top level for departments and colleges across the university. http://www.clemson.edu/ows/services/ruolist.html