People who are color blind, vision impaired or who have an age-related impairment often struggle to read text when there isn’t enough contrast between the color of the text and its background. There are two levels of requirements for color contrast, depending on the level of conformance your website is aiming to achieve. Ensure that […]
It is important to use headings to structuring a page into sections and provide the user with an idea of what content will follow. They are even more important for blind and vision impaired users as they allow content to be easily navigated – this means using heading levels rather than styling text with large […]
“Click here” and “read more” links should be updated immediately! Link text should be meaningful and make sense out of context. It should describe the purpose of a link and if linking to a download, also include the file type and file size, especially when it’s a large file that will require time to download. The […]
Charitable Contributions to or on behalf of the CU Foundation or any other 501c3 organization whose mission is to support Clemson University, cannot be solicited, nor can they be accepted, unless approved in advance by the CU Foundation. For information on obtaining appropriate approval for such contributions, please contact Gift Receiving Office.
Creating a text file called “htaccess.txt” (all lowercase and no quotes) is a simple way to password protect certain Web pages. Create a new file in any text editor such as Notepad (Windows) or Text Edit (Mac) and name it htaccess.txt. Copy the following text in red into your htaccess.txt file. AuthType shibboleth ShibRequireSession On […]
You can float images by adding the class right or left. Optionally, pair this with the code data-size=”” to specify an image’s size. full – image will fill 100% of its container medium – image will fill 60% of its container small – image will fill 40% of its container HTML <img src=”” alt=”image alt […]
Video Standards: The standard file format for video is MPEG-4. Sizes: Format: Small (talking head) size: ~240 x 180 3:4 16:9 Data Rate: 400 Frames: 10 fps On2 VP 6 Format: Medium size: ~360 x 240 3:4 16:9 Data Rate: 200 Frames: 10 fps On2 VP 6 Formatting standards for special occasion files that do […]
While content will vary from site to site, the presentation of the content should be consistent and support Clemson’s position as one of the top public universities in the country. Proper use of visual identity elements such as colors, logos and type fonts ensures that you are enhancing the Clemson brand. If you have questions […]
Web Template The 1889 template is a theme to help Clemson’s marketers and web developers quickly create websites that are responsive, dynamic, and on-brand. It was built with the foundation framework and utilizes the university’s content management system and hand-coded magic. Foundation provides a responsive grid and HTML and CSS components, including typography, forms, buttons, […]
Clemson’s Web site will be employing a style sheet using the following fonts: Goudy Trade Gothic Trade Gothic Light Trade Gothic Condensed Zapfino FG Saga Be conscious of font size on your Web pages. While visitors can change the font size on their monitors, you don’t want to make a visitor change his/her settings due […]