We’d like to share a couple recent updates the the video player in your Cascade templates. These updates provide a little more flexibility and accessibility for the video elements. You can drop the controls below the player if you have the space and need that section of the video for captions, etc. You can hide […]
As the new templates age and we approach the end of the content migration process, our team has been listening to feedback and keeping an eye on how the templates are being implemented and performing. With this redesign, our goal has been to take a proactive approach to making incremental changes that address feedback from […]
Attention web editors working in Cascade templates: here’s a quick tip to improve user experience. If you’ve encountered issues with anchor tags scrolling under fixed headers, worry no more. With the .anchor-space class, you can easily add some top space to your anchor tags, ensuring they can still be in the viewport even with fixed […]
With the rebrand and launch of the new Clemson News we are making a few changes to the news feeds workflow in order to serve up the best user experience across sites. Below are the details on the philosophy behind the new workflow and how you can incorporate Clemson News into your redesign project. Organization […]
We previously did not have some default color theming set on particular widgets, modules, and buttons. The default color if no color is selected should now be Diploma. Please let us know if anything different is discovered.
If you have not noticed by now, the updated Secondary Navigation is now available in the new redesign templates ** You will need to republish any and all sn-config files you may have in your redesign site to grab the updated structure. A couple notes on this. We have extended the navigation to 3 levels […]
We have added the “Blog Feed” feature to cascade. It can be added as a module in a new row, or added as a column widget in columns 6 cells or wider. Please follow the steps below to add to your page. Select Blog Feed from the module selector or Widget Display list. Fill in […]
The new contact module is ready to implement on your pages. **Remember, if you have used the module previously, you will have to update your pages to this new setup. Navigate to your widgets folder, then click “Add Content” in the top nav Navigate to Components > Widget. Select “Contact Module” from the widget type. […]
We are adding the ability to turn on/off social links in the Contact Module along with the option to add a custom link in place of the web contact email to this module.
We found a situation where a user may copy a folder from an old site. This is great in helping get your content over, but will not give you the proper meta data on the folder. To combat this, please create all folders from your new redesign site and copy any potential files like images […]