Web Services Blog

Create a link to an email address (mailto: link)

The WYSIWYG editor does not have a built-in mailto: option but you can still easily create a link to an email address.

  1. Highlight what you want to become a link (preferably the person’s name or their full e-mail address spelled out).
  2. Choose the Insert/Edit link button from the WYSIWYG toolbar.
  3. Choose the External Link tab.
  4. In the Link field enter mailto: followed by the e-mail address (mailto:web_services-l@clemson.edu).
  5. Add a title to describe the link (Email Web Services).
  6. Choose the Insert button.
  7. Choose Submit.

Insert and upload at the same time

You can upload a file into Cascade as you are inserting it into your page. (Be sure the appropriate extension is part of the file name: pdf, .jpg or .doc.)

Insert an image:

  1. Click inside the content region where the image will be placed. For example, if you would like the image to be in line with the top of the text, you will place your cursor before the first sentence.
  2. Choose the “Insert/Edit Image” icon  from the WYSIWYG editor.
  3. Click the file chooser icon.
  4. Select the folder where the image will be saved (such as the image folder). The Upload option is now available from the Browse menu in the upper left corner.
  5. Click Upload.
  6. Select the image to be uploaded and choose Open.
  7. The Select File box in Cascade will contain the path of the file you have chosen to upload.
  8. Choose the Upload button.
  9. Choose the Confirm button and confirm that the file has been uploaded to Cascade.

Inserting a link:

  1. Select the text or image to link from
  2. Choose the “Insert/Edit link” icon  from the WYSIWYG editor.
  3. Click the page chooser icon.
  4. Select the folder where the file will be saved (such as the documents folder). The Upload option is now available from the Browse menu in the upper left corner.
  5. Click Upload.
  6. Select the file to be uploaded and choose Open.
  7. The Select File box in Cascade will contain the path of the file you have chosen to upload.
  8. Choose the Upload button.
  9. Choose the Confirm button and confirm that the file has been uploaded to Cascade.

What are the display name, title, keyword and description?

Display name
This is the information used as a breadcrumb trail and in the left navigation. When adding the Display Name, consider how the name will affect the breadcrumb trail and navigation performance. A very long display name will cause text to wrap to multiple lines in the left navigation.

This is the name that appears as the headline in your page and at the top of the Web browser window when viewing the published page. This is also the name that is recorded when someone bookmarks your page. The title plays an important role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The title should describe what your page is about, in just a few words. Spaces and upper case are acceptable. Avoid generic page titles such as “Welcome.”

Keywords are also used by search engines to return accurate search request results.

Descriptions are snippets of text, displayed below the links on search results pages, that provide details about the results.

Align text around an image

Images can be placed either before or after your text has been added.

  1. Click inside the content region where the image will be placed. For example, if you would like the image to be in line with the top of the text, you will place your cursor before the first sentence.
  2. Choose the “Insert/Edit Image” icon  from the WYSIWYG editor.
  3. Choose the internal tab to insert an image from Cascade. You can also upload images to Cascade during the insert image process.
  4. Select the file icon to browse to the image folder.
  5. Select the image  and choose confirm.
  6. Add the alternate text for the image including “Clemson University, Clemson, SC” at the end of each entry.
  7. Do not enter anything in the width/height boxes since your image should already be sized correctly.
  8. Choose insert.

The image alignment styles are available from the WYSIWYG editor’s Styles drop down menu.

  1. Select the image you have placed on your page.
  2. Select the Styles drop down menu from they WYSIWYG editor’s top row.
  3. Select the left or right style.
  4. Submit the page.

The left and right styles automatically add the correct amount of vertical and horizontal spacing around the image so you don’t have to do anything extra to add that. The left and right styles do not however, add a border around the image. To add a border around your image you must edit the html.

  1. Take your page into edit mode
  2. Select the html button from the WYSIWYG toolbar to bring up the html editor
  3. Find the paragraph tag in front of the image tag – it should look like this: <p><img
  4. Edit the paragraph tag and insert the border information – it should look like this: <p><img
  5. Select the Update button to update the html
  6. Submit the page


Change page type

Page assets are associated with a set of configurations for each page type. The configuration set for the left navigation page type is different from the configuration set for the full page. To change the page type, the configuration set must be changed. Not all users in Cascade have a role that will allow them to change the configuration set of a page asset.

Contributors and Publishers:
Content managers who are in the Contributor or Publisher role do not have access to change the configuration set for the page assets they are building.

  • Copy the content from the current pageCreate a new page asset for the page type you desire
  • Paste the copied text into the content region of the new page asset
  • Enter the Display Name and Title
  • Enter a System Name
  • Submit
  • Delete the page asset you no longer need

Your site manager and the Office of Web Services can change the configuration set for you.


  • Choose Edit and select the System tab
  • Choose the Configuration Set link
  • Navigate to the configuration set you are changing to and select it
  • Confirm that you have chosen the correct configuration set
  • Submit

Create a link to a specific area on a Web page

Anchor links are used to navigate from a specific area to another specific area within a single Web page, or from a specific area on one Web page to a specific area on a different Web page. They are a good way to provide easy navigation through pages that have multiple sections of content.

  1. To create an anchor, click in the specific area the link will point to. Choose the “anchor” button  in the WYSIWYG editor.
  2. In the pop-up window, name the anchor. The anchor becomes part of the URL so, like the System Name, it should be unique and Web friendly.
  3. Choose “insert” to set the anchor. Create as many anchors as you need.
  4. Make sure the page you are linking to has been submitted in Cascade.
  5. Select the text that will become the link.
  6. Choose the Insert/Edit link button on the WYSIWYG toolbar.
  7. Choose the Internal tab and select the page from Cascade that has the anchors in it. Type in the name of the anchor in the anchor field.
  8. Submit your page and publish.

Adjust spacing between paragraphs, sentences and headers

Paragraphs are double-spaced by default because that makes the text easier to read on a computer screen). Hitting the enter/return key between paragraphs will add a double-space, creating a new paragraph, but holding down the shift key when hitting enter/return will add a single space, creating a line break. Line breaks are often used to separate sentences that aren’t long enough to wrap, but are not ordered or unordered lists.

Ordered and unordered list items are single spaced by default so hitting the enter/return key after each list item is the correct way to format the list, as shown in this example.

  • orange
  • banana
  • lemon
  • strawberry

Hitting the shift key and the enter/return key in the list will indent the second line, but not give it a bullet.

  • orange
  • lemon

Headers are used to draw special attention to specific text by increasing or decreasing the default font size and, depending on the header style, make the text bold or italic. Headers are by default followed by a double space regardless of what type of text comes next. If you hold down the shift key and hit the enter/return key after a header, you will actually be adding a paragraph break AND a line break. You can however apply a style class named “title” to the header that will remove the paragraph break and add a line break. Applying the style does require a little editing of the html. Look for the header tags – in the example below the tags are <h4>and</h4>, and add to the opening tag – class=”title”.


<h4 class=”title>With the “title” class</h4>
Aenean ultricies Donec fames turpis eu tortor mi egestas. Mauris eleifend tristique et netus eget, Pellentesque senectus quam, tempor amet malesuada amet, leo. ante. quam Vestibulum habitant et morbi feugiat sit semper. ac sit est. vitae, ultricies placerat egestas vitae libero

Without the “title” class

Aenean ultricies Donec fames turpis eu tortor mi egestas. Mauris eleifend tristique et netus eget, Pellentesque senectus quam, tempor amet malesuada amet, leo. ante. quam Vestibulum habitant et morbi feugiat sit semper. ac sit est. vitae, ultricies placerat egestas vitae libero

Change the order of left navigation links

The left navigation is built from the folder/file structure is Cascade and is ordered alphabetically by default.

To rearrange the order of your indexed assets, select the parent folder from the asset tree. The asset information will be displayed in columns in a new window. Choose the “Order” column heading to show the order in which your assets are displayed in the left navigation. Move your pointer into the “white space” beside a folder/file until it becomes a small arrow. Click and drag the asset up or down into the desired position.

This only applies to assets that have indexing turned on.

Remember: Reordering your assets will not change how they are displayed in the asset tree. Assets are ordered alphabetically by default.

Create a page that auto builds the left navigation

The Left Column page type includes a column of links on the left side of the page. The links in the column are created dynamically from the indexed folder and page assets that are created within your site. The text for the links in the left navigation column comes from the text you enter into the Display Name field when you create a new Left Column page.

The Left Column – 1st level, Left Column – 2nd level and Left Column – 3rd level page types all look exactly the same. The only difference in the three is how the links are displayed in the left navigation column.

Left Column – 1st level: The left navigation displays all indexed assets that are in your site’s parent folder.

Left Column – 2nd level: The left navigation displays all indexed assets that are in folders within your site’s parent folder.

Left Column – 3rd level – The left navigation displays all indexed assets that are in folders within folders within your site’s parent folder.