Web Services Blog

Block Grid for Responsive Templates

Use the class small-block-grid-# on an unordered list to make a simple grid with # items in each row. HTML <ul class=”small-block-grid-3″> <li><!–Your content goes here–></li> <li><!–Your content goes here–></li> <li><!–Your content goes here–></li> <li><!–Your content goes here–></li> <li><!–Your content goes here–></li> <li><!–Your content goes here–></li> </ul> Advanced Use Add size-specific classes to control how […]

Accordions and Tabs

Accordions and tabs are a great way to organize a lot of content on a single page. You can fill the content area with any sort of content, including a grid. IMPORTANT: The key to accordion and tab functionality is that the content div has a unique id and that the navigation link is an […]