The Interior template hero images/banners were originally designed to be more of a “masthead”, to be consistent throughout parts of a site. This is why we have the image for this section set in the options block. We have had many questions regarding some custom edits to the titles/image, which are limited here to keep this consistency across all interior pages within a folder or sub-site where a new options block is set. Previously we had an option to set the title to be either current folder’s display name OR the parent folder’s display name. This was causing some issues with multiple level items that were not intended to be sub-sites.
The Fix:
We have updated the way the titles are targeted for display. There is no longer a radio button selection for this in the options block. The titles in these banners/mastheads for interior pages are now targeted by the closest option block’s current folder. This title will trickle down throughout any sub items using the interior page template, until a folder is reached with a new options block. Any pages in that new level (along with the new options block) and deeper levels will have the new display name from the new option block’s current folder. This may be confusing to some. I will try to map it out below – in hopes i do not confuse any further. Please let me know if you have any questions.
For example:
/example-site-folder/ – has the display name – Example Site Folder.
/example-site-folder/options – options block is set here to get above display name on all interior pages
/example-site-folder/interior-page.html – display name displayed in masthead/banner – Example Site Folder
/example-site-folder/subfolder/interior-page.html – display name displayed in masthead/banner – Example Site Folder
/example-site-folder/subfolder/another-sub-folder/ – has display name – Another sub folder
/example-site-folder/subfolder/another-sub-folder/options – options block is set here to get above display name for /another-sub-folder on all interior pages from here on out
/example-site-folder/subfolder/another-sub-folder/interior-page.html – display name displayed in masthead/banner – Another sub folder
Next Steps:
Publish any interior pages using the interior page template in your redesign site to catch this update.