The Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management (PRTM) Blog

Planning the CEPA and PRTM Career Fair

By Natalie Googer, Clemson University Junior and Clemson Event Planners Association (CEPA) representative responsible for the career fair. The Clemson Event Planners Association (CEPA) is a student organization that plans events and engages students with the professional community. I became interested in the organization my sophomore year when I decided to pursue a career in […]

Making Job Connections at the Career Fair

By Natalie Googer, Clemson University Junior and CEPA representative responsible for the career fair. Taylor Stewart is a senior PRTM major at Clemson University, with a concentration of Travel and Tourism. She attended the career fair last year and the connections she made helped her get a job as a fitness instructor at The Cliffs. […]

Clemson Researcher’s Book Helps Parents Navigate Issues in Youth Sport

Emily Whitaker Poetz, a mother of three in Clemson, South Carolina, is among millions of parents dusting off their lawn chairs and preparing to enroll their children in sports programs in their community this spring. About 71.8% of youth between the ages of 6 and 12 participated in youth sports programs in 2018. Poetz says […]

Making a Career Fair Work For You: Clemson Alumni Grace Graves (2017)

Grace Graves credits a career fair, and one of her Clemson professors, for helping her find her first job in the hotel and service industry.  Grace graduated from Clemson University in 2017 as part of the first cohort with departmental honors for her major in parks, recreation and tourism management (PRTM). Although she had a […]

Ways to be successful at the career fair

By Harrison Wall, PRTM Communications Intern Going to the CEPA/PRTM career fair on February 17? Here are some tips to help you get the most from the experience. Research companies that interest you Before the career fair, you should select companies that they are interested in speaking with and do a little research on that […]

How to find a study abroad program that suits you

By Devin Orr, Study Abroad Intern As college students, many of us are used to having to figure most things out on our own. That can make it a huge undertaking when you’re trying to find a study abroad program. Luckily though, there are many on-campus resources and people who are more than happy to […]

Clemson Alumni Lacey Hennessey (2009) Does It

Lacey Hennessey believes everyone has a marketable skill. After talking to her for a few minutes, however, you realize she has more skills than most. Her business started when she was a student in the parks, recreation and tourism management program at Clemson University, and looking to make some extra money to help pay for […]

Pursuing a Passion for Fine Jewelry: Harriet Gilpin (2015)

Harriet Gilpin (also known as Hattie) always dreamed of running her own business. After earning a degree in parks, recreation and tourism management at Clemson University in 2015, Hattie was working for a boutique hotel company in New York when she realized the time to pursue that dream was now. “Although I liked my job, […]

Wonder What Helps Youth Succeed? This Clemson Researcher Can Help with That.

Clemson youth development researcher and Associate Professor Dr. Ed Bowers has always had a natural curiosity about other people and cultures, particularly why people do what they do. “I’ve always been interested in how people think and act in different environments and situations, and how the cultural context they live in can influence their beliefs […]

PRTM Students Lend a Playful Hand at Clemson Community Play Day

If you’re headed to the 5th annual Clemson Community Play Day at Nettles Park this Saturday, you’re likely to see several Clemson Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management (PRTM) students and Clemson Outdoor Lab staff on the job. Clemson’s Community Play Day is a large community event that attracts several hundred people every year, and is […]