
ML3 Cadets Perform Patrol Base Operations with the Assistance from Fort Bragg Soldiers

October 18, 2016

This past week, the Army ROTC Junior (MLIII) Cadets participated in anLab3 advanced lab on Jervey Field.  The lab was conducted in the afternoon of Thursday October, 13th.  Compliments of Clemson Army ROTC’s SFC Stallworth, we had the opportunity to train with two of his battle buddies from Fort Bragg, North Carolina.  SFC Walker and SFC Shay are both Sapper and Ranger tabbed.  We conducted a patrol base operations lab with SFC Walker and SFC Shay to better prepare the MLIII class for advanced camp this summer.  Also, the Ranger Challenge team joined us in the lab to enhance their skills for the Ranger Challenge competition at Fort Pickett, Virginia.

Lab4Setting up a patrol base is more than picking a nice spot and settling down in it.  To set up a patrol base, the prospected area must be checked and cleared by the platoon members.  Once the area is cleared by the select few members, the rest of the platoon can move in and occupy the patrol base.  A patrol base is set up for several reasons and involves executing several activities.  The main reason for a patrol base is to give the platoon an area to settle down and make a plan for the next course of action.  Activities in a patrol base include: pulling security, creating a plan for taking contact, cleaning weapons, personal hygiene, eating, and sleep.  It gives the platoon a chance to catch up on what is going on in the mission and what is going to happen next.  The platoon will not stay in this patrol base for more than 24 hours and will never return to the same patrol base twice.

This lab was very beneficial to the Cadets of the Clemson Army ROTC Fightin’ Tigers.  Patrol base operations are a very important skill for future Lieutenants.  We are the main member in charge of the operation and need to know what is going on all the time.  It is also very important because we will be tested on it at our camp this summer.  Having the opportunity to have such knowledgeable Rangers train us in this operation was something that will set our Cadets aside from all other Cadets at camp.  SFC Walker and SFC Shay taught us a flawless patrol base operation and taught us skills we can carry with us for the rest of our career.  Myself and the rest of my fellow Cadets benefited from this training greatly.  We will soon be able to put this training to use and improve our skills even more.

-CDT Guarneri

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